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The Bat Lab for Neuro-Ecology


The Neuroecology lab aims to bridge the gap between Neuroscience and Ecology. Echolocating bats offer a unique opportunity to study this interface. Our knowledge of how bats use sonar to perceive and interact with their environment opens windows to understanding the mammalian brain and behavior. We develop miniature technologies that track and record bats' behaviors within controlled laboratory settings and in their wild environment


Listen to a new Podcast

Yossi Yovel talks about his new book "Atalefim" with Koby Oz

Batalef software

Batalef Software

Vesper sensor

Vesper Sensor

Bat live camera

Bat Live Camera

Adopt a bat

Adopt A Bat

Latest Publications

Fruit bats adjust their decision-making process according to environmental dynamics

Naamani, G., Shahar, N., Ger, Y. et al. Fruit bats adjust their decision-making process according to environmental dynamics. BMC Biology 21, 278 (2023).

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